Upcoming events

CC&R: Introduction to the Conflict Ecosystem
What causes conflict? How can we intervene to diffuse or disrupt conflict in the community before it becomes entrenched? This session will introduce a model of conflict based on unmet needs, as well as strategies to identify those needs and attend to conflict.
Sign up for the virtual session here.

CC&R Coming Together Through Conflict
How can communities bolster themselves through conflict? In a culture bent on avoiding conflict until it tears the community apart, how can we recentre disagreement productively? This session will present interventions that can make conflict a site of growth and increased connection.
Sign up for the virtual session here.

CC&R: Managing When Conflict Leads to Disconnection
How does the community continue its work if relationships break down? How do systemic hierarchies interact with those in our organisations? This session will apply Nonviolent Communication principles to situations where repair and restoration are not achievable, and methods for working together anyway.
Sign up for the virtual session here.

CC&R: The Gifts of Collaboration
What do we mean when we say we want collaboration? How can that collaboration welcome difference? In this session, we will present some personal practices that will support collaboration, as well as the ways that collaboration can meet our needs and the needs of our communities.
Sign up for the virtual session here.

CC&R: Basics for Collaborating Through a Nonviolent Lens
How can we invite all different kinds of people to collaborate? What means will make collaboration fruitful for every participant? This session will present technical and practical skills to facilitate collaboration, some of which include making agreements, checking in, and retaining clarity of purpose.
Sign up for the virtual session here.

CC&R: How to Make Room for the Relational when Collaborating
How can we continue to care for each other when working together? What can we do to acknowledge important moments and make room for varied experiences and perspectives? This session will present skills to care for relationships while working together, including how to make room for difference and listening to all voices.
Sign up for the virtual session here.